Struggling for Rights in Maquilas

Rosa Dina Rodríguez is 33 years old and has worked for over 9 years in maquilas, producing goods for brands such as Nike, Under Armour, and Gildan and for stores including Walmart. As a result of maquila workplace conditions, Rosa has a disability in her right shoulder, damage to her spine and both her hands. She has already undergone two surgeries in her right hand and is waiting for a third on her left. 

Because of these injuries, Rosa Dina must relocate to a position where she does not perform repetitive movements of the shoulder, avoids movement of the neck and any lifting of items over five pounds.

Though the Honduran Institute of Social Security qualified Dina Rosa’s hands as occupational disease, after her contesting their opinion that it is common, Gildan has yet to meet these demands and has actually demanded an increase in production.