Transforming Communities Through Education

"I am grateful for the opportunity to have received this scholarship for higher education, both to the team at the Salvadoran Association for Integrated Health and Social Services (APSIES) and to the CoDevelopment family, as I gained the capacity to learn new methodologies and techniques.  Many times, I have been limited for not having a higher degree and unable to obtain salary improvements. 

This year, 2017, I began the fourth year of my Bachelor of Social Work. I have not failed any subject, for my selection of this career was due to my knowledge of problems within family groups and I felt that people have always had trust in me. I looked to support others without having any empiric study, having even prevented suicides in women and youth in my community.

Attending university has helped me so much both personally and professionally, with the use of techniques and scientific knowledge. I have always sought to improve my knowledge so as to be able to transform people and groups of women and youth, now more than ever with the situation that the country is going through at the moment, technical knowledge has served me well.

Something very important for me is that I do not have to wait to get my degree to put into practice what I have learned, but I am applying it and it is giving me good results in my work.”

Felipa de Jesús Cruz, Tom Kozar Fund Scholarship RecipientLolotique, San Miguel, El Salvador